What We Are About
In our Awana Program we are all about fun, the fun in learning about God, the fun in games, the fun in learning Bibles verses, and the fun in socializing together with the kids, the leaders, and the parents.
We have an open door policy in our program which means parents are free to come and stay as along as they would like as long as they do not interrupt the normal operation of club and they can come as often as they would like. Our Program has a Game Time, a Counsel Time, a Snack Time, and a Handbook Time. We meet every Friday starting in the Fall at 3:30pm and end at 5:30pm and we run this program until early Spring. Our younger group of kids in grades k-2 are part of the Sparks Program in our Awana Program and their key verse is John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. With this age group this becomes a little more challenging, but only learn one verse per section in most of their handbooks. Our older group of kids in grades 3-6 are part of the T&T Program (Truth & Training) in our Awana Program and their key verses are Ephesians 2:8-9...For by grace, are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the Gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast...In this age group, these kids learn anywhere from two verses to six verses per section and some cases more. Our oldest group of kids are our high school kids and this is a home study program as to which we have a couple of kids working in this group. This is the Trek & Journey Programs. In our program we have a key verse for the entire club and that is 2 Timothy 2:15 - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. We find these Biblical truths very important to shaping the young minds of our children in the way that God would have them to go. This is the foundation on which we build. Our Program is a church funded program as we don't want to be a financial burden to the families who participate in our program. So we provide handbooks, uniforms, awards, etc...all at no cost to the families. In years past we have gone by the school calendar, meaning when school is closed so is the Awana Program. This year is going to be different. We will take holidays and school vacations off, as well as major snowstorms. We will notify you when we are taking a day off by email because of a snowstorm or some other weather related event. For the past couple of years we have collected returnable bottles and cans to help cover the shipping costs of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child / Samaritan's Purse. This is when we send shoeboxes to children in other parts of the world who have next to nothing and they hear the Word of God at the same time. We collect these bottles and cans all year round. The Awana Program is an international youth program that is in more than 121 countries around the world and is currently reaching more than 4.1 million kids. Awana originally started in Chicago in 1940 and became incorporated in 1950. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the contact form. Sincerely, Awana Commander Becky Morrison |