Sunday 9:30am Sunday School
10:15am Morning Service
6:00pm Evening Service
Wednesday 7:00am Mens Prayer Meeting
at Ovide's Used Cars
Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting
Friday 3:30pm-5:30pm Awana Youth Program
Friday 5:30pm Prayer Meeting & Bible Study - Eric and Kathleen's
January 11 12:00pm Ladies Luncheon
January 17 5:30pm Awana Dinner
January 18 7:30am Mens Breakfast
The Year Ahead
Dates and Times subject to change
Easter Sunrise Service April 20th 5:45am
Breakfast at 7am
Awana End of Year Banquet May 4th at 5:30pm
Awana First Week of Awana September 5th 3:30pm
Annual Harvest Supper November 1st 6pm
Operation Christmas Child - National Collection Week - November 17th-24th
Christmas Eve Service - December 24th 6pm
Dates and Times subject to change
Easter Sunrise Service April 20th 5:45am
Breakfast at 7am
Awana End of Year Banquet May 4th at 5:30pm
Awana First Week of Awana September 5th 3:30pm
Annual Harvest Supper November 1st 6pm
Operation Christmas Child - National Collection Week - November 17th-24th
Christmas Eve Service - December 24th 6pm